
wooden figure family under an umbrella

Understand Liability Limits

If you’re involved in a personal injury case, you may hear the term ‘liability limits’ and wonder what that means. It’s important to understand what ...
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Woman upset with uninsured motorist after an accident

UM Insurance

Many people think about liability coverage and comprehensive and collision insurance when they purchase car insurance policy. While these are the main types of coverage, ...
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red toy car on top of car insurance paperwork

The Importance of Car Insurance

You may consider car insurance just another bill you’re obligated to pay. Besides the fact that most states require you to have car insurance, it ...
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Happy couple riding a motorcycle

Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

Cruising down the highway with the wind in your face can be a lot of fun. However, it comes with a lot of responsibility and ...
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Doctor looking at an X-Ray

What Doctors Look For After A Car Accident

After a car accident, you might not feel that you suffered any injuries or ones that warrant a trip to the doctor. However, many injuries ...
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What to do with hurt on the road

What to Do When Hurt On The Road

If you are injured in a car accident, it is vital that you remain calm and follow a few simple steps to ensure you have ...
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Don't talk to the insurance company

Don’t Talk to the Insurance Company Before Speaking to Your Attorney

When you are involved in a New Orleans car accident, it is easy to become overwhelmed by fear, stress, and the pain of your injuries. ...
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Importance of driving defensively

The Importance of Driving Defensively

Before you can reap the benefits of driving defensively, you need to completely understand what this feat entails. Defensive driving requires the vehicle operator to ...
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What to do when heard on the water

What to Do When Hurt on the Water

It is crucial to understand that if you are injured while on the water, the laws that govern the incident are not the same as ...
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