You may consider car insurance just another bill you’re obligated to pay. Besides the fact that most states require you to have car insurance, it also protects you if you’re in an accident. It can pay for repairs to your vehicle and to anyone else involved in the accident if you’re at fault.
Mandatory Car Insurance
Each state requires you to have a certain amount of liability car insurance. This type of coverage says you’ll pay for medical costs and damage to property if you’re at fault for an accident. The amount varies by state, but you’ll need to carry the minimum amount to remain in compliance.
Protection for Peace of Mind
Having car insurance protects you in an accident. If you’re found to be at fault for the accident,
Coverage Required for Auto Loans
If you get financing when you buy a vehicle, most lenders will require you to carry insurance. They want more than liability coverage since that only pays for repairs to other vehicles. Comprehensive and collision insurance pay for repairs to your vehicle in an accident or from other situations, such as natural disasters or theft. Having this coverage also protects you from paying out of pocket for repairs to your vehicle in an accident.
Protects You and Your Passengers
Car insurance can pay for medical care for your passengers if you’re in an accident. It can also protect you if you’re hit by someone who doesn’t have insurance. One aspect of a car insurance policy is uninsured motorist coverage. This part of the policy also covers you if the person doesn’t have enough coverage.
Failure to have car insurance or enough coverage can cost you if you’re responsible for an accident. If you carry car insurance, it pays out for any medical costs or damages instead of you paying for those expenses. It also pays for legal help if the other person files a lawsuit against you for an accident. If you must go to court over an accident, your policy will cover those costs, which can give you more peace of mind. You can talk to your insurance agent about the kind of coverage and amounts you need to protect you and your family.
If you’ve been the victim of a car accident and have to pay for medical costs out of your own pocket, the team at Blake Jones Law Firm LLC can help you.