$7,000,000 Settlement

$7,000,000 Settlement for Severely Injured Jones Act Seaman
Working in the maritime industry is never easy. Oftentimes seamen are injured due to no fault of their own. While descending a ladder on a mooring dolphin, a Jones Act seaman fell 25 feet to a crew boat deck. He sustained a spinal compression fracture, traumatic brain injury and other injuries requiring over a one-month hospitalization. The evidence showed that the ladder at issue was not built to specification prior to installation and created a slip hazard. A fall prevention device was not provided to the seaman to arrest his fall.
The case was successfully mediated, resulting in a $7,000,000 settlement in addition to the maintenance and cure benefits paid to the seaman during the litigation. Attorney Kristi A. Post of the Blake Jones Law Firm was the lead counsel for the seaman.