What Should I Do If I Worked Around Asbestos?

For many decades, asbestos was a go-to ingredient for everyday construction materials such as insulation, cement and floor tiles. Exposure to asbestos has affected millions of workers including those in industrial job sites, mining, maritime, rail, construction, building maintenance and oil and gas, especially prior to the late 1970s when the federal government began regulating its use.

Those who inhale or have inhaled asbestos fibers on a prolonged basis may develop asbestosis, a chronic lung disease. Symptoms vary as to severity but can include shortness of breath, a dry cough that won’t go away and chest tightness or pain.

Lung cancer, mesothelioma and other diseases related to asbestos affect not just workers who breathed in dust but family members and children who may have suffered “take home” exposure. The impact of that dust continues today. For more than a decade. It has been a privilege and honor to represent individuals and families who have been injured.

Need help? Call the Blake Jones Law Firm. On the land, the water or the roadways of America, we’ll fight for you.